Thematic parallel session
Inspiring leaders

15 February


AD 11

John Smith


Organised by

Advocacy for Accountability: What gets measured gets done

Every two seconds, someone dies prematurely from a noncommunicable disease (NCD) such as cancer, diabetes, or heart and lung diseases. Despite many NCDs being highly preventable or modifiable, and the availability of essential interventions, progress has been insufficient to address these leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Strengthening accountability and leadership for NCDs is crucial to drive progress and lay the foundation for advocacy, awareness raising, reinforcing political commitment, and promoting action at global, regional, and country levels ahead of the 2025 UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs.

This session will explore the status of global NCD targets, existing accountability and monitoring frameworks, and the gaps that need to be addressed. Participants will explore the roles of civil society to engage Member States in revising the Global Monitoring Framework and driving progress. Small group discussions will assess current frameworks, identify data gaps, and develop short-term actions to strengthen country-level NCD surveillance and reporting ahead of the 2025 UN High-Level Meeting.


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