Community Zone

Thursday 13 February


Community Zone

John Smith


This session is possible thanks to NCDA’s partnership with

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This session is open to Advocacy Institute Alliances Only/Invitation Only

Advocacy Institute Session

The Advocacy Institute is NCDA multi-year flagship capacity development programme to build advocacy capacity of NCD civil society in order to accelerate NCD action.

The Seed Track of the Advocacy Institute supports newly formed national NCD alliances with the foundations of coalition-building, organisational development and advocacy. The Accelerator Track supports established alliances in leading locally-driven advocacy campaigns aligned with NCDA’s 2021-2026 impact goals, including: NCD prevention, care, financing, and community engagement.

Encouraging dissemination of experiences is a key part of knowledge exchange of alliances part of this programme. This meeting will include NCD alliances that are part of the Accelerator and Seed tracks of the Advocacy Institute’s third phase (2024-2026) to exchange knowledge and elevate national advocacy and coalition-building experiences. The overall goal of this meeting is to contribute to maximising the power of the NCDA network, stimulating peer exchanges, including across the different programme tracks.

This session is possible thanks to NCDA’s partnership with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).


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