
13 February



Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Director General, WHO
(video address)

Dr Monika Arora

Président, Alliance sur les MNT

Dr Joseph Mucumbitsi

Président du conseil, Rwanda NCD Alliance
Vice-Chair of National Planning Committee for 2024, Global NCD Alliance Forum

Dr Gina Agiostratidou

Program Director, Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable

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Civil Society Advocacy Planning Session on the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs 2025

This session offers civil society delegates a unique opportunity to connect across regions, discuss advocacy strategies, and develop a campaign plan for the 2025 High-level Meeting on NCDs. It will start with a global overview of the HLM4 process, followed by regional breakouts to review progress, share experiences, and coordinate political and media advocacy efforts tailored to each region.

Breakout sessions will be organized for the regions of Africa, Asia, Caribbean and SIDS, Eastern Mediterranean, Latin America, and multi-regional organizations. Delegates are encouraged to come prepared with insights on champion countries and key advocacy targets. The session will also explore how to leverage the Global Week for Action and The Call to Lead on NCDs to enhance media advocacy.

All civil society delegates are highly encouraged to attend and actively participate in shaping the advocacy roadmap towards HLM4. Your engagement is essential to amplify our collective voice and influence a strong political declaration at the upcoming High-Level Meeting on NCDs.

Session Highlights:

  1. Global Overview: Updates on the HLM4 process, global advocacy priorities, and key opportunities for engagement.
  2. Regional Breakouts: Focused discussions in regional and sub-regional groups to:
    • Review regional progress and share advocacy experiences.
    • Identify or refine political advocacy targets and strategies.
    • Coordinate media advocacy and campaign opportunities.

Regional Breakout Sessions Overview:

Following the initial 30 minute introduction in the Auditorium, delegates will break out to the following rooms for regional discussions:

  • Africa – Session led by the Africa NCDs Network and East Africa NCD Alliance
    • Room: MH 1
  • Asia – Session led by Southeast Asia NCD Alliance, with inputs from Healthy Philippines Alliance, covering both Southeast Asia and Western Pacific Regions 
    • Room: AD 12
  • Caribbean and Small Island Developing States – Session led by Healthy Caribbean Coalition
    • Room: Community Zone – Strategy Hub
  • Eastern Mediterranean Region – led by Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance 
    • Room: AD 6
  • Latin America – led by Coalition for Americas’ Health (CLAS); please note discussions will be held in Spanish. 
    • Room: AD 1
  • Other Regions: led by NCDA Global; organizations with multi-regional & global programmes, organisations based in high-income countries (Europe, America, etc). Please note delegates from globally based organisations with country and/or regionally based programmes are free to join either this group or any of the regional groups. Where relevant, such organisations with more delegates are encouraged to distribute representation accordingly.  
    • Room: AD 10

Please come to the session with thoughts on champion countries and political targets on NCDs from your region, any key regional opportunities to engage with towards the high-level meeting, and how your organisation and region can leverage the Global Week for Action and The Call to Lead on NCDs for media advocacy.


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