Thematic parallel session
Powering up communities
13 February
AD 11
French interpretation available
Maia Olsen
Dr. Guy Fones
Edith Mukantwari
Africa Diabetes Alliance
Pierre Cooke
Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Eman Shannan
Aid and Hope
Bruno Helman
International Diabetes Federation
Maria O’Brien
Mindwise Project
Chris Agbega
Ghana NCD Alliance
Making meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs a reality
In this UN-led session, the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (WHO GCM/NCD) will host an interactive panel discussion on opportunities for civil society organizations and lived experience leadership to support and collaborate with UN member states to drive forward a more equitable and sustainable NCD and mental health response through the implementation of the WHO Framework for Meaningful Engagement of People Living with NCDs, Mental Health and Neurological Conditions.
This session will highlight opportunities for Forum participants to get involved with ongoing efforts led by people with lived experience (PWLE) to partner with WHO, member states, and civil society to meaningfully contribute to the lead up to the fourth High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs in September 2025, as part of the WHO Symposium on Meaningful Engagement.
Session speakers will also share and discuss lessons learned from grassroots and community-driven efforts and innovations in meaningful engagement at country level, including priorities for future action and investment.