Session satellite
Inspiring leaders

Friday 14 February



Frida Dunger

International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)

Josef de Guzman

International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)

Pierre Celestin Habiyaremye

Rwandan Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Organization 

Hellen Wangui Gathere

Psoriasis Association of Kenya

Organised by

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Expanding the NCD agenda: the psoriatic disease case study. Successes and lessons learnt after 10 years from the WHA resolution on psoriasis

In a global landscape where NCDs still do not take the space they deserve, the 2014 WHA resolution on Psoriasis is a rare example of global commitment to an NCD outside the 5×5 framework.

Ten years after, it is time to reflect on the journey from the adoption of the resolution on psoriasis to its implementation and move towards an inclusive NCD agenda.


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