Thematic parallel session
Inspiring leaders

13 February



Winnie Awuor

Development Gateway; An Irex Venture

Spencer Bugingo

Rwanda NCD Alliance

Fabian Oriri

International Institute for Legislative Affairs

Mable Kukunda

Uganda National Health Consumers Organisation

Rachel Kitonyo-Devotsu

McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer

Stephen Ogweno

Founder & CEO, Stowelink Foundation

Organised by

McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer logo
Rwanda NCD Alliance logo
Development Gateway logo

The role of law and data in implementing the NCD best buys: Case studies from the African region

Many of the ‘Best Buys’ to address the 4 key risk factors for NCDs require legal/regulatory interventions.

This session intends to use case studies from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda to show how laws are being adopted to implement the best buys for tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food. The case studies are drawn from the experiences of the alumni of the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer Legal Training Program.

It will also showcase how having easy to access, user friendly data from 6 tobacco control dashboards developed by the Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) for Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and South Africa are facilitating advocacy and decision-making by policy makers and other NCD stakeholders to adopt and implement the best buys. 

The session will also explore how to involve people with lived experience of NCDs in advocacy for implementation of the NCD best buys.


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