Plenaria 2
Mobilising sustainable financing

14 February



Jacqui Thornton


Jumana Qamruddin

Global Program Lead, Healthcare Delivery, World Bank

Pierre Cooke

Technical Advisor, Healthy Caribbean Coalition

Dr Gladwell Gathecha

Acting Head of Division of Non-communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health, Kenya

Ulrika Arehed Kagstrom

President Elect, The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

Dr Ladi Hameed

General Manager, Roche Nigeria

Dr Mary-Anne Etiebet

CEO and President, Vital Strategies

Dr Simon Barquera

President, World Obesity Federation

Prof. Linda Bauld OBE

Director, SPECTRUM Research Consortium

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Bridging the financing gap: Sustainable investments, smarter financing for NCDs

This second plenary will explore the global investment gap and financing solutions for NCDs, which is a major priority for the 2025 UN High-Level Meeting. NCDs remain one of the most underfunded global health priorities, with a stark and persistent mismatch between the burden and global and domestic resource allocations. However, there is growing evidence, consensus and momentum on the solutions and fiscal policies to bridge this gap. These include domestic resource mobilization, development aid, and public-private partnerships. Additionally, new actors and mechanisms—both within NCDs and broader global health/development—have the potential to unlock new and smart financing. This plenary will showcase global and national best practice in NCD financing, explore the outcomes of the WHO-World Bank International dialogue on sustainable financing for NCDs and mental health in 2024, and goals for the financing agenda in 2025 and beyond.


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